Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Living with messages from heaven


  1. rebecca, being new to blogging. Idon't see anymail in this blog..

  2. Hello Mary Ann, I have not posted here yet.

  3. Rebecca, your Video is very nice and genuine, best wishes with the new book. Congratulations. I am a medium also, I hear and converse with Heavenly Father and in this time and age I know that many people have awakened to newer realities, maybe because times need this as so much needs attention on this earth. I hope we can communicate, I would be so honored if we could communicate our experiences and mystical stuff, as it is hard to find people who can understand mediums, or even believe..Blessings Rebecca, keep up the good work. Mary Ann.
    my blog address..

  4. Rebecca,

    I posted a comment yesterday, but I don't see it here ..did you get it.. Mary Ann
