Monday, September 28, 2009

Is this your past life?

Can you imagine stepping back into a lifetime you have lived in before.  I have recently put myself in a renessaince fair to do psychic readings, ancestory readings and past life readings.  Little did I know that the past life I would be reading into would be my own!  If you find yourself in situations where you are connecting to a lifestyle you once lived, it is very hard to move from that without taking from it much profound information for this lifetime!  Never ignore the past life feelings, but always remember, you are living in this lifetime!!!


  1. I have heard that getting into the Akasa Records is one way to help self into knowing what a person is to do in this lifetime. I have tried meditation to get there but it hasn't happened. Could you talk about this on BlogTalkRadio.

  2. Your Akasa Record are there for you to tap into, there is a control about the desire that comes from within you. Your soul attachment to what is to be known. You can access this information anytime through a lot of different channels.
    I will put this as a blog talk radio topic for sure!
