Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mary Magdalene?

Hello, Mary Magdalene?  Who was she to you?  To me she is the saint that was never recognized, the author of parts of the Bible and one intuitive and spiritually connected woman!  A soul that help the power of the Holy Spirit and shared it.  A prophetess!  Do we channel her?
Do we connect to her?
I do, she is one who I feel is the connection to the Catholic Church through us, the woman of this world.

As a man, do you feel a need for the famine connection needed?


  1. Bring an awareness to love of Mary.. you can join a Magdalene Circle on Blog Talk Radio on Tuesdays or you can find one in your area.

  2. Hi, Im in England, and what could be a Mary Magdalene area. We have two churches dedicated to her within 14 min walk from each other.
    Mary Magdalene has a huge influence on my life and the way I live. There is so much we dont know about her, and I feel she had a higher role in early chrisitan years than we know.
    In my experience with Mary, she always seems to show herself in many different ways ans continues to surprise, perhaps thats why she is always hidden?
    have a good evening
